Did you know...
That there are over 8700 Businesses currently operating in Brampton.... That's over 160,000 people making a living in this great city.
There are over 267 Kilometers of recreational trails in Brampton, and more than 3,300 hectares of Parks and open green spaces.
The City of Brampton currently maintains over 250 playgrounds that provide a great place for children to exercise as well as play happily and safely.
There are four different transit systems currently operating in Brampton. Züm, Brampton Transit, GO and Via Rail.
There are 4 major bus terminals and 2 train stations.
In 2020 the average sale price reached an all time high:
Detached - $1,340,000
Semi-Detached - $810,140
Townhouse - $573,130
Condo - $457,105